Harstad – the town of opportunities

According to the European Employee Index for 2010, Norway is the best country in the world in which to work! A strong economy and welfare state has created an environment of trust, confidence and optimism within the labour force. Norway’s work culture is generally very supportive of employees, and puts a strong emphasis on balancing the demands of one’s work and home life.

Located on the biggest island of Norway – “Hinnøya” – and in the northern county Troms, Harstad is with its more than 24 000 inhabitants the third biggest town in Northern Norway. It has a lot to offer to its citizens and visitors. Harstad is a centre of commerce and known for cultural events throughout the year.

You will find most kind of industries in or nearby the town. Most opportunities are nevertheless found within the sectors of oil and energy and the service industry.

Below, you find access to the three most used databases for vacant positions.

We strongly recommend to try the company-finder in addition to the seek for the vacancies. The companies listed in the company-finder do always look for skilled people that wish to contribute to their growth. They might not have any registerred vacancies, but still they worth while to send them an inquiry.


Finn.no – The market of opportunities


Finn.no is the greatest private initiative for classified ads, including open positions. The link below guides you directly to the listing of all open positions in Harstad. If you wish, it’s possible to constrict your search to a specific types of jobs.

Browse website

Nav.no – Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

The majority of vacancies in Norway are listed on the Internet. All job vacancies published in Norway can be found in the NAV job database. Most of the vacancies are written in Norwegian, but you can find a number of job vacancies in English by using the pre-defined search.

Browse website

Ec.europa.eu – Eures the european job mobility portal

Even if most of the Vacancies will be listed at least one of the two bases you find at this page, many of them will only have descriptions in Norwegian, Eures could be a great place to search if you want to read the advertises in English.

Browse website