Other useful pages and bases

Below, you find links to useful resources that help you navigate as a new citizen in Harstad.
You might find this page useful if you are here for a visit, or plan to spend your holiday here, even if some of the resources are available in Norwegian only. The Norwegian pages are marked by an “-N”

A tip:
Install a Google Translate plugin to your browser, and most of the information at the Norwegian pages will be understandable at your native language.


Harstadregionen.no – En region full av muligheter

Harstadregionen.no is a page covering most of whats going on in our region. All information are available in Norwegian only, The rich menu found by clicking at: “Noe spennende”, gives access to a lot of important and interesting informastion. Useful for us who lives here as well as everyone that wish to come visiting us.

Browse website -N


Harstad kommune – Attraktiv hele livet

If you plan to stay, the website to our municipality is a rich base to important information. Unfortunately, there is no English version of the site, but there is an English information Page, where you will find contact data to people that can help you to navigate further.

Browse website -N Browse the English information page


New in Norway – Ny i Norge

This is a governmental page, made in the purpose to help foreigners seeking knowledge of rules and services in our Country. For migrants seeking labour, the page is translated in to several languages.

Browse website


IMDi – The Directorate of Integration and Diversity

Diversity enriches us. IMDi’s goal is to contribute to equality in living conditions and diversity through employment, integration and participation. IMDi was established on 1 January 2006 to act as a competence centre and a driving force for integration and diversity. The directorate cooperates with immigrant organisations/ groups, municipalities, government agencies and the private sector. It provides advice and implements government policy.

Browse website


NAV – Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

NAV administers a third of the national budget through schemes such as unemployment benefit, work assessment allowance, sickness benefit, pensions, child benefit and cash-for-care benefit. If you want more information about NAV’s services and benefits, browse website to find a list of NAV’s services, benefits and pensions with links to more detailed information.

Browse website


Innovation Norway – If you plan to start your own business

Innovation Norway, one of the initiative takers to the web page you are on right now, offers a lot of services and support to start-up companies. Innovation Norway have translated their pages to English, and they offer easy navigation.

Browse website


Kunnskapsparken Nord – If you plan to start your own business

Our overall goal is to develop innovative, robust companies and create meeting places and networks between industry, research institutions and the public sector. Our industrial shareholders – Statoil, Total, Bergen Group and SIVA – contribute with financial capital, networks and expertise to enable us to succeed.

Browse website